Staffing- Concept, Importance and Process | Process of Staffing

Meaning & Concept of Staffing:

• Staffing refers to the process of filling all positions in the organization with adequate and qualified employees.

• The main objective behind staffing is to select and appoint the right person at the right job at the right time in order to do a given job effectively and efficiently.

• In every organization , a manager has to perform the staffing function in one or other form because there is a need of people to perform work.

Question- Does staffing is only related with filling permanent employees vacancy?

Answer- No , staffing involve any combination of employees from which an organization get its things done. It may include permanent employees ,daily wagers, consultants and contract employees etc.

Importance of Staffing:

Human resources ( employees or people who work for an organization ) are the foundation of any business.

Question- why human resource are the foundation of business?

Answer- Because in every organization, there is a need of people to perform work & choosing the right people for getting the work done of your business is very important because The right people can help you to make your business while the wrong people can break your business.

Conclusion – Human resources are the most important asset of an organization. The quality human resources of any organization decides the ability of an organization to achieve its desired goals  and The staffing function of management fulfills this requirement and finds the right people for the right job.

Bullet Points that Highlights – Benefits/Importance of Staffing

Proper staffing has the following benefits/importance  to the organization:

a) Proper staffing helps in Obtaining  qualified employees for various jobs in an organization.

b) Proper staffing helps in Higher employee’s  performance by putting right person on the right job.

c) Proper staffing ensures the continuous survival and growth of the organization  by appointing efficient staff.

d) Proper staffing helps to ensure the  optimum utilization of the human resources by avoiding over-manning & shortage of employees.

Question- what is over-manning? How it can impact an organization?

Answer- over-manning means over-staffing. It is a situation when an organization hires more staff than it needs. It can adversely impact an organization as it leads to higher labour costs & under-utilization of employees.

e) Proper staffing Improves job satisfaction and morale of employees  by providing fair reward for their contribution.

Conclusion – Staffing is an essential function of management. without it – in an organization , there will be “LESS WORK , MORE PLAY.

Process of Staffing:

The process of planning is a 8-step process which includes:

Step 1 – Estimating the Manpower Requirements

Step 2 – Recruitment

Step 3 – Selection

Step 4 – Placement and Orientation

Step 5 – Training and Development

Step 6 – Performance Appraisal

Step 7 – Promotion and career planning

Step 8 – Compensation

Now let us discuss these steps one by one briefly:

Step 1 – Estimating the Manpower Requirements

• Estimating  Manpower Requirements means estimating the number & type of employees needed by an organization. This is generally done in case of starting a new organization or when the organizations wants to expand itself.

• For this estimation process two types of analysis should be done. Let us discuss that one by one briefly:

A) Workload Analysis – This analysis tell us the number & types of employees needed by the organization for the performance of various jobs & achievement of organizational goals.

B) Workforce Analysis – this analysis tells us the number & type of employees currently working in the organization. This analysis also reveal whether the organization is understaffed , over-staffed or optimally staffed.

Question- what is under-staffed & over-staffed?

Answer-  Under-staffed means “less staff , more work”

       Over-staffed means “more staff , less work”

Question- what should an organization do if under-staffed or over-staffed?

Answer- if under-staffed – organization should hire more staff i.e. employees.

     if over-staffed – organization should remove employees or transfer them elsewhere.

Step 2 – Recruitment

• Recruitment refers to the process of finding appropriate employees and encouraging them to apply for the job in the organization.

• The main objective of recruitment is to create a huge pool of candidates who are appropriate for the job as higher the number of people who apply for the job , the higher will be the chances of getting a the most  suitable employee for the organization.

Step 3 – Selection

• Selection refers to a process of identifying & choosing the most suitable candidate from the number of appropriate candidates who have applied for the job.

• Selection is called as a “Negative process”.

Question- why it is called as negative process?

Answer- because in selection number of selected candidates is less than the number of rejected candidates.

• The process of selection involves test , group discussion ,interview etc.

• The main objective of selection are :

a) To select the best candidate among the available candidate.

b) To make the selected candidate realize that how seriously things are done in the organization.

Difference between Recruitment & Selection

1. MeaningRecruitment refers to the process of finding appropriate employees and encouraging them to apply for the job in the organization.Selection refers to a process of identifying & choosing the most suitable candidate from the number of appropriate candidates who have applied for the job.
2. Nature of processRecruitment is a positive process as there is no rejection in this process.Selection is a negative process because no. of selected candidates is less than the number of rejected candidates.
3. AimThe aim of recruitment is to attract more & more candidates to apply for the vacancy.The aim of selection is to select the most suitable candidate out of the candidates who have applied.
4. Sequence of comingRecruitment comes before selection.Selection comes after recruitment.

Step 4 – Placement and Orientation

Placement refers to the process of occupying the post by the employee for which the he/she has been selected. This is generally done by giving a offer letter to the employee & asked him to occupy the vacant job position.

Orientation is a process of introducing the selected candidate to other employees (such as his superiors, subordinates and the colleagues) and familiarizing him with the rules and policies of the organization.

Step 5 – Training and Development

Training is a process by which the knowledge , skills and abilities of employees to perform a particular job are increased. In simple words , it is an opportunity of learning new skills provided by an organization to facilitate employee learning.

Development refers to the learning opportunities designed by the organization to help the employees to grow. It involves the growth of an individual in all aspects such as personality , maturity etc.

Difference between Training & Development

1. MeaningTraining is a process of increasing knowledge & skills.Development is a process of learning & growth.
2. UsageTraining is done to enable the employee to do his job  in a more better way.Development is done to enable the overall growth of an employee.
3.  Nature of processTraining is a job oriented process because it focuses on improving the performance of employee on their current job.Development is a career oriented process because it focuses on developing the ability of an employee for handling higher level jobs in future.
4. Duration of processTraining is a short-term process.Development is an continuous process & includes training.

Step 6 – Performance Appraisal

• Performance appraisal refers to a process of evaluating an employee’s current or past performance as against certain predetermined standards.

• The employee is expected to know what the standards are and the superior  will provide the feedback to the employee  on his/her performance.

For example – a sales manager was given a sales target of selling 10,000 pens during a month. His/her performance will be evaluated by the superior on this basis at the end of the month & feedback will be given accordingly.

• Therefore, The performance appraisal process will include the following 3 steps:

a)Defining the job

b)Appraising performance and

c)Providing feedback.

Step 7 – Promotion and Career planning

Career planning is a process of promoting , transferring or demoting  an employee based on their performance appraisal.

• If an employees is working efficiently – his performance appraisal report will be excellent , then he/she is promoted to a higher position.

• If the employee fails to improve his/her performance after giving many warnings & result in wastage of resources, then he/she is demoted.

• Sometimes a worker may not get fit into his/her job role in a particular department , then he/she is transferred to other department to improve his/her efficiency.

Step 8 – Compensation

Compensation refers to all forms of payment or rewards given to employees by the employer. It may be in the form of Direct financial payments and Indirect payments.

Let us discuss these two one by one briefly :

  1. Direct financial payments:– It include wages, salaries, incentives, bonuses commissions  etc. it is further categorized into two types:

a) Time based plan –  A time based plan include salary and wages that are paid either daily, weekly or monthly or annually.

b) Performance based plans – Performance based plans means salary/wages  that  are paid according to piece of work done by an employee. For example, a worker may be paid according to the number of units produced by him/her.

2. Indirect payments:- It include vacations & employer’s  contribution to social security schemes of employees such as life insurance , provident fund etc.

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