Class 12th | TS Grewal Solution 2021-22 Question 22 to 28 | Retirement of a partner

TS Grewal chapter 6 – Retirement of a Partner, Question 22 to Question 28 solution of the 2021-22 Edition.

Note – we upload working note before the main solution because we want students would get full understanding about the question before moving forward in the solution.

Q.22- A, B and C were partners in a firm sharing profits in the ratio of 6 : 5 : 4. Their capitals were A −₹ 1,00,000; B − ₹ 80,000 and C − ₹ 60,000 respectively. On 1st April, 2009, A retired from the firm and the new profit sharing ratio between B and C was decided as 1 : 4. On A‘s retirement, the goodwill of the firm was valued at ₹ 1,80,000. Showing your calculations clearly, pass the necessary Journal entry for the treatment of goodwill on A’s retirement.


Working Notes:

WN1- Calculation of Gaining Ratio

A :B :C=6:5:4(Old ratio)

B :C=1:4 (New ratio)

Gaining Ratio = New Ratio – Old Ratio

B’s Gain = 1/5 − 5/15 = 3−5/15 = −2/15(Sacrifice)

C’s Gain = 4/5 − 4/15 = 12−4/15 = 8/15

WN2- Calculation of Retiring Partner’s Share of Goodwill

A’s share of goodwill = 1,80,000 × 6/15

= ₹ 72,000

B’s share of goodwill = 1,80,000 × 2/15

= ₹ 24,000

A’s and B’s share of goodwill be brought by C only. Therefore, C’s Capital A/c will be debited with

72,000 + 24,000 = ₹ 96,000

DateParticularsL.F.Debit Amt
 C’s Capital A/c…dr. 96,000 
 To A’s Capital A/c  72,000
 To B’s Capital A/c  24,000

Q. 23Sangeeta, Saroj and shanti are partners sharing profits and losses in the ratio of 5 : 3 : 2. Z retired and on the date of his retirement, following adjustments were agreed upon:

(a) The value of Furniture is to be increased by  ₹ 12,000.

(b) The value of stock to be decreased by ₹ 10,000.

(c) Machinery of the book value of ₹ 50,000 is to be depreciated by 10%.

(d) A Provision for Doubtful Debts @ 5% is to be created on debtors of book value of ₹ 40,000.

(e) Unrecorded Investment worth ₹ 10,000.

(f) An item of ₹ 1,000 included in bills payable is not likely to be claimed, hence should be written back.

Pass necessary Journal entries.


Revaluation Account

ParticularsAmt ()ParticularsAmt ()
Stock A/c10,000Furniture A/c 12,000
Machinery A/c5,000Investments A/c10,000
Provision for Doubtful Debts A/c2,000Bills Payable A/c1,000
Profit transferred to:   
  X’s Capital A/c 3,000   
Y’s Capital A/c 1,800   
Z’s Capital A/c 1,2006,000  
 23,000 23,000


S.R.noJournalDr. (₹)Cr. (₹)
(a)Furniture A/c…dr.12,000 
         To Revaluation A/c
(Being Increase in value transferred to Revaluation Account)
(b)Revaluation A/c..dr.10,000 
         To Stock A/c
(Being Decrease in Stock transferred to Revaluation Account)
(c)Revaluation A/c…dr.5,000 
         To Machinery A/c
(Being Decrease in value of machinery transferred to Revaluation Account)
(d)Revaluation A/c…dr.2,000 
     To Provision for Doubtful Debts A/c
(Being Increase in liabilities to Revaluation Account)
(e)Investments A/c…dr.10,000 
         To Revaluation A/c
(Being Increase in value transferred to Revaluation Account)
(f)Bills Payable A/c…dr.1,000 
         To Revaluation A/c

(Being Decrease in liabilities transferred to Revaluation Account)
(g)Revaluation A/c…dr.6,000 
         To X’s Capital A/c 3,000
         To Y’s Capital A/c 1,800
         To Z’s Capital A/c
(Being Revaluation profit transferred to Partners’ Capital Accounts)

Q.24- A, B and C were partners, sharing profits and losses in the ratio of 2 : 2 : 1. B decides to retire on 31st March, 2021. On the date of his retirement, some of the assets and liabilities appeared in the books as follows:

Creditors  ₹ 70,000; Building  ₹ 1,00,000; Plant and Machinery  ₹ 40,000; Stock of Raw Materials  ₹ 20,000; Stock of Finished Goods  ₹ 30,000 and Debtors  ₹ 20,000.

Following was agreed among the partners on B’s retirement:

(a) Building to be appreciated by 20%.

(b) Plant and Machinery to be reduced by 10%.

(c) A Provision of 5% on Debtors to be created for Doubtful Debts.

(d) Stock of Raw Materials to be valued at  ` 18,000 and Finished Goods at  ₹ 35,000.

(e) An Old Computer previously written off was sold for  ₹ 2,000 as scrap.

(f) Firm had to pay  ₹ 5,000 to an injured employee.

Pass necessary Journal entries to record the above adjustments and prepare the Revaluation Account.



Revaluation Account

( ₹)
( ₹)
Plant and Machinery (40,000 × 10%)4,000Building (1,00,000 × 20%)20,000
Provision for Doubtful Debts1,000Stock of Finished Goods5,000
Stock of Raw Materials2,000Computer2,000
Workmen’s Compensation Claim5,000  
Profit transferred to:   
  A’s Capital A/c 6,000   
B’s Capital A/c 6,000   
C’s Capital A/c 3,00015,000  
 27,000 27,000


ParticularsL.F.Dr. Amt
( ₹)
Cr. Amt
( ₹)
(a) Building A/c…dr.    20,000 
Stock of Finished Good A/c…dr. 5,000 
Computer A/c…dr. 2,000 
To Revaluation A/c
(Being Increase in value Assets transferred to Revaluation Account)
(b) Revaluation A/c…dr. 12,000 
To Plant and Machinery A/c  4,000
To Provision for Doubtful Debts A/c  1,000
To Stock of Raw Material A/c  2,000
To Workmen’s Compensation Claim A/c
(Being Decrease in value of Assets and increase in Liabilities transferred to Revaluation Account)
(c) Revaluation A/c…dr. 15,000 
To A’s Capital A/c  6,000
To B’s Capital A/c  6,000
To C’s Capital A/c
(Being Revalution Profit transferred to Partners’ Capital accounts)

Q.25- Punit, Ramit and Akshit were partners sharing profits equally. Akshit retired on 1st April, 2021. Punit and Ramit decided to continue the business and share profits in the ratio of 3: 2. They also decided to give effect to the change in values of assets and liabilities without changing their book values.

The book values and their revised values were as follows:

Book Value
Revised Value
Computer Softwares5,00,0004,00,000
Sundry Creditors70,00060,000
Workmen Compensation Claim–           5,000

Pass an adjustment entry.


Old Ratio111
New Ratio32Retired

Punit = 1/3 – 3/5 = 5-9/15 = -4/15 (Gain)

Ramit = 1/3 – 2/5 = 5-6/15 = -1/15 (Gain)

Akshat = 1/3 – 0/5 = 5-0/15 = 5/15 =1/3 (Sacrifice)


Sacrificing ratio of Akshat is 1/3

Compensating amount = 1,35,000 × 1/3 = 45,000

Share of Compensating amount by Punit and Ramit in sacrificing ratio (4:1)

Punit = 45,000 × 4/5 = 36,000

Ramit = 45,000 × 1/5 = 9,000

An adjustment entry:

ParticularsDr. (₹)Cr. (₹)
Punit’s Capital A/c          Dr.
Ronit’s Capital A/c          Dr.    
To Akshat’s Capital A/c


Q.26- X, Y and Z are partners in a firm sharing profits and losses in the ratio of 3 : 2 : 1. Z retires from the firm on 31st March, 2021. On the date of Z’s retirement, the following balances appeared in the books of the firm:

General Reserve  ₹ 1,80,000

 Profit and Loss Account (Dr.)  ₹ 30,000

Workmen Compensation Reserve  ₹ 24,000 which was no more required

Employees’ Provident Fund  ₹ 20,000

Pass necessary Journal entries for the adjustment of these items on Z ‘s retirement.


Working Notes:

WN1– Calculation of Share in Credit Balance of Reserves

Total Credit Balance of Reserves
= General Reserve + WCF
= 1,80,000  +  24,000
= 2,04,000

X‘s share = 2,04,000 × 3/6 = 1,02,000

Y‘s share = 2,04,000 × 2/6 = 68,000

Z‘s share = 2,04,000 × 1/6 = 34,000                       

WN2– Calculation of Share in Debit Balance of Profit and Loss A/c

X‘s share = 30,000 ×3/6 = 15,000

Y‘s share = 30,000 ×2/6 = 10,000

Z‘s share = 30,000 ×1/6 = 5,000         

Note: Employees’ Provident Fund will not be distributed as it is a liability and not accumulated profit.


DateParticularsL.F.Debit Amt
( ₹)
Credit Amt
( ₹)
Mar.31 General Reserve A/c…dr. 1,80,000 
 Workmen Compensation Reserve A/c…dr. 24,000 
   To X’s Capital A/c  1,02,000
   To Y’s Capital A/c  68,000
   To Z’s Capital A/c
(Being Accumulated profits distributed among partners in old ratio)
X’s Capital A/c 15,000 
 Y’s Capital A/c 10,000 
 Z’s Capital A/c 5,000 
   To Profit and Loss A/c
(Being Debit balance in Profit and Loss A/c distributed among partners in old ratio)

Q.27- Asha, Naveen and Shalini were partners in a firm sharing profits in the ratio of 5 : 3 : 2. Goodwill appeared in their books at a value of  ₹ 80,000 and General Reserve at  ₹ 40,000. Naveen decided to retire from the firm. On the date of his retirement, goodwill of the firm was valued at  ₹ 1,20,000. The new profit-sharing ratio decided among Asha and Shalini is 2 : 3.

Record necessary Journal entries on Naveen’s retirement.


Calculation of Gaining Ratio:

Gain of a Partner = New Share – Old Shares

Asha’s Gain (Sacrifice) =  2/5 – 5/10 = 4-5/10 = (-)1/10

Shalini’s Gain (Sacrifice)= 3/5 – 2/10 = 6-2/10 = 4/10

Therefore, Both Asha and Naveen would be compensated by Shalini in the ratio of 1:3

Asha’s Sacrifice for 1/10th Share = 1,20,000 × 1/10 = 12,000

Naveen’s Sacrifice for 3/10th Share = 1,20,000 × 3/10 = 36,000


DateParticularsL.F.Debit Amt
Credit Amt
 1Asha’s Capital A/c…dr. 40,000 
 Naveen’s Capital A/c…dr. 24,000 
 Shalini’s Capital A/c…dr. 16,000 
         To Goodwill A/c
(Being Existing goodwill written off amongst existing partners in old ratio) 
 2General Reserves A/c 40,000 
         To Asha’s Capital A/c  20,000
         To Naveen’s Capital A/c  12,000
         To Shalini’s Capital A/c
(Being General Reserves distributed  among all partners in old ratio)
 3Shalini’s Capital A/c 48,000 
       To Asha’s Capital A/c  12,000
         To Naveen’s Capital A/c 
(Being Goodwill adjusted by debiting gaining partner and crediting sacrificing partner and retiring partner)

Q.28- Ram, Laxman and Bharat are partners sharing profits in the ratio of 3 : 2 : 1. Goodwill is appearing in the books at a value of  ₹ 1,80,000. Laxman retires and at the time of his retirement, goodwill is valued at  ₹ 2,52,000. Ram and Bharat decided to share future profits in the ratio of  2 : 1. The Profit for the first year after Laxman’s retirement amount to  ₹ 1,20,000. Give the necessary Journal entries to record goodwill  and to distribute the profit. Show your calculations clearly. 


Working Notes:

WN1- Calculation of Gaining Ratio

Ram : Laxman :Bharat = 3:2:1(Old ratio)

Ram : Bharat = 2:1 (New ratio)

Gaining Ratio = New Ratio – Old Ratio

Ram’s Gain = 2/3 − 3/6 = 4−3/6 = 1/6

Bharat’s Gain = 1/3 − 1/6 = 2−1/6 = 1/6

Ram:Bharat = 1:1

WN2: Calculation of Retiring Partner’s Share of Goodwill

Laxman’s share of goodwill = 2,52,000 × 2/6 = ₹ 84,000

Laxman’s share of goodwill will be brought by Ram and Bharat in their gaining ratio 1:1

Therefore, Ram’s Capital A/c will be debited with  84,000 × 1/2 =₹ 42,000

And, Bharat’s Capital A/c will be debited with  84,000 × 1/2 = ₹ 42,000

Note– The entry for distributing profit as given in the book is wrong. The profit will be distributed between Ram & Bharat and not Ram and Laxman (since Laxman has retired)


Credit Amt
1Ram’s Capital A/c…dr. 90,000 
 Laxman’s Capital A/c…dr. 60,000 
 Bharat’s Capital A/c…dr. 30,000 
 To Goodwill A/c(Being Goodwill written off)  1,80,000
2Ram’s Capital A/c…dr. 42,000 
 Bharat’s Capital A/c…dr. 42,000 
 To Laxman’s Capital A/c(Being Adjustment of Laxman’s share of goodwill)  84,000
3Profit & Loss Appropriation A/c…dr. 1,20,000 
       To Ram’s Capital A/c  80,000
       To Bharat’s Capital A/c(Being Profit on revaluation transferred to Partners’ Capital A/c)  40,000

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