Ways of Consumer Protection and Relief / Remedies available to Consumers

Ways and means of Consumer Protection:

There are various ways in which the objective of consumer protection can be achieved. Some of them are discussed below briefly:

1. Self Regulation by Business-

• Wise and knowledgeable business firms realize that they have to serve the customers well if they want long-term success. Therefore , these responsible firms follow ethical standards and practices in dealing with their customers.

• Many of these type of  firms have set up their customer service and grievance cells to redress the problems and grievances of their consumers.

• Some of the examples of these Wise and knowledgeable business firms are Amazon , Flipkart , Samsung etc.

2. Business Associations-

• The associations of trade, commerce and business like Federation of Indian Chambers of Commerce of India (FICCI) and Confederation of Indian Industries (CII) have laid down their code of conduct which lay down the guidelines for their members dealings with the customers.

3. Consumer Awareness-

• Consumer awareness develop an understanding in the consumer about his/her responsibilities which would enable him/her to safeguard his/her interests.

• A well-informed consumer have knowledge about his rights and the reliefs available to him due to which he/she would be in a position to raise his/her voice against any unfair trade practices.

• In this regard, the Department of Consumer Affairs, GOI, has been undertaking the campaign, Jago Grahak Jago through multimedia awareness.

4. Government-

• The government can protect the interests of the consumers by enacting various measures.

For example, the GOI has set up a toll-free national consumer Helpline Number 1800114000 (9:30 am – 5:30 pm) for this purpose.

5. Consumer Organizations-

• Consumer organizations play an important role in educating consumers about their rights and providing protection to them.

• These organizations can also force business firms to avoid malpractices and exploitation of consumers.

Relief/Remedies Available to Consumers:

If the consumer court is satisfied about the genuineness of the complaint, then the court  can issue one or more of the following directions to the opposite party:

a)To Remove the defect in goods or deficiency in service.

b) To Replace the defective product with a new one, free from any defect.

c) To Refund the price paid for the product, or the charges paid for the service.

Note – The Above 3 Points Combining Together Made The RRR Concept Or 3R Concept.

d) To pay a reasonable amount of compensation for any loss or injury suffered by the consumer.

e) To pay additional damages in appropriate circumstances.

f) To stop the unfair/ restrictive trade practice and not to repeat it in the future.

g) Not to offer hazardous goods for sale.

h) To withdraw the hazardous goods from sale.

i) To cease manufacture of hazardous goods and also stop them  for offering hazardous services.

j) To pay an amount (not less than 5% of the value of the defective goods or deficient services provided) to be credited to the Consumer Welfare Fund or any other organization/person, to be utilized in the prescribed manner.

k) To issue corrective advertisement to neutralize the effect of a misleading.

l) To pay adequate costs to the appropriate party.

Other Topics From this Chapter:

Topic 1 – Consumer Protection – Concept, Scope and Importance

Topic 2 – Consumer Protection Act and its Legal Protection to Consumers

Topic 3 – Consumer Rights and Duties

Topic 5 – 3 Tier Redressal Machinery | Redressal Machinery under Consumer Protection Act

Topic 6 – Role of Consumer Organizations & NGOs

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